Posted December 31, 2004
(last updated April 25, 2005)
Indian Ocean Tsunami of 26 December, 2004
The December 26 earthquake produced the largest trans-oceanic tsunami in over 40 years, and killed more people than any tsunami in recorded history.
Earthquake Parameters (USGS):
Latitude: 3.3N
Longitude: 95.8E
Origin Time: 00:58:53UTC on December 26, 2004
04:58:53PST on December 25, 2004
Magnitude: 9.0
This page links to sites with earthquake and tsunami analysis of the event, as well as providing tsunami travel time maps and tide gage recordings of the wave.
Tsunami Links Earthquake Links
Pacific Marine Environmental Lab United States Geological Survey
Geological Survey of Japan Model IISEE
Global Security Images CalTech
ITSU Istanbul Technical University
Tsunami Lab Novosibirsk, Russia
National Geophysical Data Center
Tsunami Travel Time Maps (click to enlarge)

West of epicenter

Tsunami propagation directly to Pacific

Tsunami propagation forced south of Australia
Tsunami Model - link to UAF/NTWC Indian Ocean Tsunami Study
Tsunami Recordings on Tide Gages
The Indian Ocean tsunami was recorded on several tide gages recorded at the National Tsunami Warning Center. The gages are operated by many different agencies including the NOAA/National Ocean Service, the Pacific Tsunami Warning Center, the University of Hawaii, and the National Tidal Facility of Australia. Click on the site name to see a graph of the tsunami. Wave heights are maximum peak-to-trough height in cm. Arrival times are the actual tsunami arrival time in UTC on gages where it can be determined. The sample interval column lists the time between samples. Click on the sample interval to get the raw data. Water levels are given in meters and time in a decimal day format. One minute data is given where available with the time in hour minute format. NOTE: The data is provided as recorded at the NTWC some gaps and repetitions occur within the data files.
Tide Gage Site |
Wave Height (cm p-t) |
Arrival Time (UTC) |
Sample Int. (min.) |
42 |
0320 12/26 |
65 |
1510 12/26 |
35 |
? |
15 |
? |
10 |
? |
3 |
10 |
? |
5 |
0000 12/27 |
10 |
? |
5 |
? |
15 |
? |
25 |
? |
10 |
? |
5 |
? |
17 |
? |
Dutch Harbor, Alaska, USA |
12 |
? |
5 |
? |
42 |
? |
15 |
? |
22 |
? |
10 |
? |
7 |
? |
45 |
? |
30 |
? |
20 |
? |
5 |
? |
20 |
? |
20 |
? |
30 |
? |
30 |
0625 1427 |
65 |
0520 12/27 |
70 |
0405 12/27 |
20 |
0440 12/27 |
25 |
? |
20 |
? |
35 |
0200 12/27 |
15 |
? |
10 |
? |
30 |
0135 12/27 |
25 |
0150 12/27 |
5 |
? |
29 |
? |